
Monday, August 31, 2020

Miniature force sensor for absolute laser power measurements via radiation pressure at hundreds of watts

Alexandra B. Artusio-Glimpse, Ivan Ryger, Natalia A. Azarova, Paul A. Williams, Joshua A. Hadler, and John H. Lehman

We present a small power meter that detects the radiation pressure of an incident high-power laser. Given its small package and non-destructive interaction with the laser, this power meter is well suited to realizing a robust real-time, high-accuracy power measurement in laser-based manufacturing environments. The incident laser power is determined through interferometric measurement of displacement of a 20 mm diameter high reflectivity mirror, mounted at the center of a dual element spiral flexure. This device can measure laser power from 25 W to 400 W with a 260 mW/Hz−−−√ noise floor and ≤ 3.2% expanded uncertainty. We validate our device against a calibrated thermopile with simultaneous measurements of an unpolarized 1070 nm laser and report good agreement between the two systems. Finally, by referencing to an identical mechanical spring that does not see the incident laser, we suppress vibration noise in the power measurement by 14.8 dB over a 600 Hz measured bandwidth. This is an improvement over other radiation pressure based power meters that have previously been demonstrated.


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