
Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Single-Molecule Nanotechnologies: An Evolution in Biological Dynamics Detection

Yu Li, Lihua Zhao, Yuan Yao, Xuefeng Guo

Single-molecule detection is a rapidly developing area within the analytical chemistry field that requires ultrasensitive technologies to detect a range of molecules. Over the past few decades, various optically-, mechanically-, and electrically-based strategies have been employed for single-molecule detection to uncover information in biological processes. These strategies enable real-time monitoring with single-molecule/single-event sensitivity. In addition, their high temporal resolution enables investigation of the underlying mechanisms of biological functions from static to dynamic, from qualitative to quantitative, and from one to multiple disciplines. In this review, we provide a brief overview of the prominent, real-time single-molecule detection nanotechnologies and their potential applications within the life science fields.


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