
Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Newtonian orbits of nanoparticles interacting with structured light beams

Manuel F Ferrer-Garcia and Dorilian Lopez-Mago

We perform numerical analysis to study the orbits described by subwavelength-size particles interacting with complex structured light beams. Our solution to the particle dynamics considers: (i) the gradient force, (ii) the transverse radiation pressure, and (iii) polarisation-dependent curl force. The last two terms, (ii) and (iii), constitute the scattering forces. Multiples examples are provided to show the polarisation effects in the trajectories. For the single optical vortex case, the particle is always expelled due to the polarisation-dependent terms. Optical forces due to vector beams, such as cylindrical vector beams and full-Poincaré beams have been analysed finding closed and open orbits, respectively. Trapping control has been achieved by varying the separation distance in the off-axis superposition of optical vortices.


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