
Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Orientation of swimming cells with annular beam optical tweezers

Isaac C.D. Lenton, Declan J. Armstrong, Alexander B. Stilgoe, Timo A. Nieminen, Halina Rubinsztein-Dunlop

Optical tweezers are a versatile tool that can be used to manipulate small particles including both motile and non-motile bacteria and cells. The orientation of a non-spherical particle within a beam depends on the shape of the particle and the shape of the light field. By using multiple beams, sculpted light fields or dynamically changing beams, it is possible to control the orientation of certain particles. In this paper we discuss the orientation of the rod-shaped bacteria Escherichia coli (E. coli) using dynamically shifting annular beam optical tweezers. We begin with examples of different beams used for the orientation of rod-shaped particles. We discuss the differences between orientation of motile and non-motile particles, and explore annular beams and the circumstances when they may be beneficial for manipulation of non-spherical particles or cells. Using simulations we map out the trajectory the E. coli takes. Estimating the trap stiffness along the trajectory gives us an insight into how stable an intermediate rotation is with respect to the desired orientation. Using this method, we predict and experimentally verify the change in the orientation of motile E. coli from vertical to near-horizontal with only one intermediate step. The method is not specific to exploring the orientation of particles and could be easily extended to quantify the stability of an arbitrary particle trajectory.


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