
Thursday, October 17, 2019

Tunable plasmonic force switch based on graphene nano-ring resonator for nanomanipulation

Mohammad Mahdi Abbasi, Sara Darbari, and Mohammad Kazem Moravvej-Farshi

Using a plasmonic graphene ring resonator of resonant frequency 10.38 THz coupled to a plasmonic graphene waveguide, we design a lab-on-a-chip optophoresis system that can function as an efficient plasmonic force switch. Finite difference time domain numerical simulations reveal that an appropriate choice of chemical potentials of the waveguide and ring resonator keeps the proposed structure in on-resonance condition, enabling the system to selectively trap a nanoparticle. Moreover, a change of 250 meV in the ring chemical potential (i.e., equivalent to 2.029 V change in the corresponding applied bias) switches the structure to a nearly perfect off-resonance condition, releasing the trapped particle. The equivalent plasmonic switch ON/OFF ratio at the waveguide output is −15.519 dB. The designed system has the capability of trapping, sorting, controlling, and separating PS nanoparticles of diameters ≥30 nm with a THz source intensity of 14.78 mW/µm2 and ≥22 nm with 29.33 mW/µm2.


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