
Thursday, October 17, 2019

Impact of the crystal orientation of LiNbO3:Fe on the dynamic behaviors of the particles trapped through the photovoltaic tweezer

Zhitao Zan, Donghui Wang, Feifei Li, Lihong Shi, Wenbo Yan

A real-time investigation of photovoltaic tweezer is performed on both c-cut and y-cut LiNbO3:Fe crystals. We study the impact of the crystal orientation on the dynamic behaviors of the particles trapped through the photovoltaic tweezer. By analyzing both amount and the distribution of the trapped particles and also by calculating the particle number of all trapped particles, it is found that the trapping efficiency highly depends on the crystal orientation. As compared with the case of the y-cut LiNbO3:Fe, the photovoltaic tweezer on the c-cut LiNbO3:Fe is capable to trap more particles in a unit time. The impact of the crystal orientation on the photovoltaic tweezer is explained by the simulations of the dielectrophoretic interaction for different crystal orientations.


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