
Monday, September 23, 2019

Above and beyond: holographic tracking of axial displacements in holographic optical tweezers

Michael J. O’Brien and David G. Grier

How far a particle moves along the optical axis in a holographic optical trap is not simply dictated by the programmed motion of the trap, but rather depends on an interplay of the trap’s changing shape and the particle’s material properties. For the particular case of colloidal spheres in optical tweezers, holographic video microscopy reveals that trapped particles tend to move farther along the axial direction than the traps that are moving them and that different kinds of particles move by different amounts. These surprising and sizeable variations in axial placement can be explained by a dipole-order theory for optical forces. Their discovery highlights the need for real-time feedback to achieve precise control of colloidal assemblies in three dimensions and demonstrates that holographic microscopy can meet that need.


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