
Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Microfluidic platforms for cell cultures and investigations

Maria Laura Coluccio, Gerardo Perozziello, Natalia Malara, Elvira Parrotta, Peng Zhang, Francesco Gentile, Tania Limongi, Pushparani Michael Raj, Gianni Cuda,Patrizio Candeloro, Enzo Di Fabrizio

This review covers several aspects of microfluidic devices used for culturing and monitoring of both adherent and non-adherent cells, including a multitude of applications. A comparison of available platforms with high throughput analysis, automation capability, interface to sensors and integration, is reported. Aspects, such as operational versatility of the devices, are scrutinized in terms of their analytical efficacy. It is found that due to multi-functionality capability of modern microfluidics, there is big amount of experimental data obtainable from a single device, allowing complex experimental control and efficient data correlation, particularly important when biomedical studies are considered. Hence several examples on cell culture and monitoring are given in this review, including details on design of microfluidic devices with their distinctive technological peculiarities.


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