
Monday, January 28, 2019

Selective Stiffening of Fibrin Hydrogels with Micron Resolution Via Photocrosslinking

Mark Keating, Micah Lim, Qingda Hu, Elliot Botvinick

Fibrin hydrogels are used as a model system for studying cell-ECM biophysical interactions. Bulk mechanical stiffness of these hydrogels has been correlated to mechanotransduction and downstream signaling. However, stiffness values proximal to cells can vary by orders of magnitude at the length scale of microns. Patterning of matrix stiffness at this spatial scale can be useful in studying such interactions. Here we present and evaluate a technique to selectively stiffen defined regions with in a fibrin hydrogel. Laser scanning illumination activates ruthenium-catalyzed crosslinking of fibrin tyrosine residues, resulting in tunable stiffness changes spanning distances as small as a few microns and a localized compaction of the material. As probed by active microrheology, stiffness increases by as much as 25X, similar to previously observed stiffness changes around single cells in 3D culture. In summary, our method allows for selective modification of fibrin stiffness at the micron scale with the potential to create complex patterns, which could be valuable for the investigation of mechanotransduction in a biologically meaningful way.


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