
Friday, January 11, 2019

Dual-mode subwavelength trapping by plasmonic tweezers based on V-type nanoantennas

Ren-Chao Jin, Jia-Qi Li, Lin Li, Zheng-Gao Dong, and Yongmin Liu

We propose novel plasmonic tweezers based on silver V-type nanoantennas placed on a conducting ground layer, which can effectively mitigate the plasmonic heating effect and thus enable subwavelength plasmonic trapping in the near-infrared region. Using the centroid algorithm to analyze the motion of trapped spheres, we can experimentally extract the value of optical trapping potential. The result confirms that the plasmonic tweezers have a dual-mode subwavelength trapping capability when the incident laser beam is linearly polarized along two orthogonal directions. We have also performed full-wave simulations, which agree with the experimental data very well in terms of spectral response and trapping potential. It is expected that the dual-mode subwavelength trapping can be used in non-contact manipulations of a single nanoscale object, such as a biomolecule or quantum dot, and find important applications in biology, life science, and applied physics.


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