
Thursday, August 30, 2018

Dynamic Features of Plectoneme Formation of Twisted DNA at Low Force

Kotaro Yoshida, Daisuke Ando, Masahiro Makuta, and Yoshihiro Murayama

We investigated dynamic features of plectoneme formation of a twisted DNA at a low force (smaller than 0.3 pN) using a novel tweezer, developed to independently control the stretching and twisting of a single DNA molecule. Several peaks appear in an extension–turn curve in both DNA winding and unwinding. The extension difference for a peak corresponds to the length of a loop in the plectoneme formation. Estimation of the torsional strain suggests that a transient structure is formed by twisting of a few Hertz. Our results are consistent with the theoretical prediction of plectoneme formation in the low-force regime. Repeatedly appearing peaks in the extension–turn curves suggest that some plectonemic domains appear more frequently than other domains.


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