
Monday, May 2, 2016

Swollen structure and electrostatic interactions of polyelectrolyte brush in aqueous solution

Daiki Murakami, Motoyasu Kobayashi, Yuji Higaki, Hiroshi Jinnai, Atsushi Takahara

Surface grafting of polyelectrolytes on materials brings about various significant changes in surface properties such as wettability, adhesion, and friction, because of their excellent hydrophilicity and unique intermolecular interactions that depend on the ionic strength of the solution. This review paper describes the characterization of the swollen structure and electrostatic interaction of polyelectrolyte brushes in aqueous solution by use of optical tweezers and neutron reflectivity, in order to discuss the dissociation of ionic groups and charge distribution in the polyelectrolyte brush. In addition, the spreading and structure of water on the polyelectrolyte brush surface were characterized by high spatial resolution IR spectroscopy.


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