
Monday, January 13, 2020

Switchable Assembly and Guidance of Colloidal Particles on an All-Dielectric One-Dimensional Photonic Crystal

Fengya Lu, Yan Kuai, Junxue Chen, Xi Tang, Yifeng Xiang, Yang Liu, Pei Wang, Joseph. R. Lakowicz, and Douguo Zhang

Dielectric multilayer photonic-band-gap structures, called one-dimensional photonic crystals (1DPCs), have drawn considerable attention in the fields of physics, chemistry, and biophotonics. Here, experimental results verify the feasibility of a 1DPC working as a substrate for switchable manipulations of colloidal microparticles. The optically induced thermal convective force on a 1DPC can assemble colloidal particles that are dispersed in a water solution, while the photonic scattering force on the same 1DPC caused by propagating evanescent waves can guide these particles. Additionally, in the 1DPC, one internal mode can be excited that has seldom been noticed previously. This mode shows an ability to assemble particles over large areas even when the incident power is low. The assembly and guidance of colloidal particles on the 1DPC are switchable just through tuning the polarization and angle of the incident laser beam. Numerical simulations are carried out, which are consistent with these experimental observations.


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