
Monday, September 4, 2017

Single-molecule imaging and manipulation of biomolecular machines and systems

Ryota Iino, Tatsuya Iida, Akihiko Nakamura, Ei-ichiro Saita, Huijuan You, Yasushi Sako

Biological molecular machines support various activities and behaviors of cells, such as energy production, signal transduction, growth, differentiation, and migration.
We provide an overview of single-molecule imaging methods involving both small and large probes used to monitor the dynamic motions of molecular machines in vitro (purified proteins) and in living cells, and single-molecule manipulation methods used to measure the forces, mechanical properties and responses of biomolecules. We also introduce several examples of single-molecule analysis, focusing primarily on motor proteins and signal transduction systems.
Single-molecule analysis is a powerful approach to unveil the operational mechanisms both of individual molecular machines and of systems consisting of many molecular machines.


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