
Friday, August 7, 2015

Exploring the physics of efficient optical trapping of dielectric nanoparticles with ultrafast pulsed excitation

Debjit Roy, Debabrata Goswami, and Arijit K. De

Stable optical trapping of dielectric nanoparticles with low power high-repetition-rate ultrafast pulsed excitation has received considerable attention in recent years. However, the exact role of such excitation has been quite illusive so far since, for dielectric micron-sized particles, the trapping efficiency turns out to be similar to that of continuous-wave excitation and independent of pulse chirping. In order to provide a coherent explanation of this apparently puzzling phenomenon, we justify the superior role of high-repetition-rate pulsed excitation in dielectric nanoparticle trapping which is otherwise not possible with continuous-wave excitation at a similar average power level. We quantitatively estimate the optimal combination of pulse peak power and pulse repetition rate leading to a stable trap and discuss the role of inertial response on the dependence of trapping efficiency on pulse width. In addition, we report gradual trapping of individual quantum dots detected by a stepwise rise in a two-photon fluorescence signal from the trapped quantum dots which conclusively proves individual particle trapping.


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