
Wednesday, October 15, 2014

How to calibrate an object-adapted optical trap for force sensing and interferometric shape tracking of asymmetric structures

Matthias Koch and Alexander Rohrbach

Optical traps have shown to be a flexible and powerful tool for 3D manipulations on the microscale. However, when it comes to sensitive measurements of particle displacements and forces thorough calibration procedures are required, which can be already demanding for trapped spheres. For asymmetric structures, with more complicated shapes, such as helical bacteria, novel calibration schemes need to be established. The paper describes different methods of how to extract various calibration parameters of a tiny helical bacterium, which is trapped and tracked in shape by scanning line optical tweezers. Tiny phase differences of the light scattered at each slope of the bacterium are measured by back focal plane interferometry, providing precise and high bandwidth information about fast deformations of the bacterium. A simplified theoretical model to estimate the optical forces on a chain like structure is presented. The methods presented here should be of interest to people that investigate optical trapping and tracking of asymmetric particles.


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