
Saturday, July 5, 2014

Single-Molecule Mechanochemical Sensing Using DNA Origami Nanostructures

Dr. Deepak Koirala, Prakash Shrestha, Tomoko Emura, Kumi Hidaka, Shankar Mandal, Prof. Dr. Masayuki Endo, Prof. Dr. Hiroshi Sugiyama, and Prof. Dr. Hanbin Mao

While single-molecule sensing offers the ultimate detection limit, its throughput is often restricted as sensing events are carried out one at a time in most cases. 2D and 3D DNA origami nanostructures are used as expanded single-molecule platforms in a new mechanochemical sensing strategy. As a proof of concept, six sensing probes are incorporated in a 7-tile DNA origami nanoassembly, wherein binding of a target molecule to any of these probes leads to mechanochemical rearrangement of the origami nanostructure, which is monitored in real time by optical tweezers. Using these platforms, 10 pm platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) are detected within 10 minutes, while demonstrating multiplex sensing of the PDGF and a target DNA in the same solution. By tapping into the rapid development of versatile DNA origami nanostructures, this mechanochemical platform is anticipated to offer a long sought solution for single-molecule sensing with improved throughput.


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