
Monday, March 18, 2013

Analytical Techniques for Single-Liposome Characterization

Xiaomei Yan , Chaoxing Chen , Shaobin Zhu , Tianxun Huang and Shuo Wang
Liposomes or phospholipid vesicles are one of the most versatile nanoparticles used to convey drugs, vaccines, genes, enzymes, or other substances to target cells and as a model to mimic biological membranes. To fulfill their roles in drug delivery and biotechnology, physical and chemical properties of liposomes, such as size, shape, chemical composition, lamellarity, encapsulation efficiency of cargo molecules, and the density of proteins reconstituted in the membrane need to be characterized to ensure a reproducible preparation of vesicles. Compared to bulk analysis, techniques focusing on the individual analysis of liposomes can reveal the heterogeneity that is otherwise masked by ensemble averaging. Herein, we review the recent advancement in techniques for single-liposome characterization.

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